How to Start Bullet Journalling: A Beginner’s Guide

Bullet Journalling

Bullet journaling is a popular method of organizing tasks, events, and goals in a personalized and creative way. It was created by Ryder Carroll, a New York-based designer, as a mindfulness practice designed to help individuals track the past, organize the present, and plan for the future. The beauty of bullet journaling is that it meets you where you are and helps you get to where you want to be, all you need is a pen and paper.

Whether you are a student, professional, or just someone looking to get more organized, bullet journaling can be a valuable tool to help you stay on track and achieve your goals. In the following article, we will explore the basics of bullet journaling, how to get started, and provide tips and tricks to help you make the most out of your bullet journal.

The Basics of Bullet Journalling

To start a bullet journal, all you need is a notebook and a pen. You can use any type of notebook, but many people prefer dotted grid notebooks as they allow for more flexibility in designing layouts.

The basic idea behind bullet journalling is to use a series of symbols to represent different types of tasks or events. For example, a dot can represent a task, a circle can represent an event, and a dash can represent a note. You can then use these symbols to create lists, calendars, and other layouts to help you stay organized.

One of the key features of bullet journalling is the use of an index. This is essentially a table of contents for your journal. It allows you to easily find specific pages or sections of your journal.

Another important aspect of bullet journalling is the use of collections. These are essentially themed lists or pages that can be used to track specific goals or tasks. For example, you could create a collection for your fitness goals, your reading list, or your travel plans.

Setting Up Your Bullet Journal

When it comes to setting up your bullet journal, there are a few key things that you need to consider. In this section, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get started.

Choosing a Journal

The first thing you need to do is choose a journal that works for you. While there are many different options out there, the most important thing is that you choose a journal that you will actually use. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Size: Do you want a journal that you can easily carry with you, or do you prefer something larger that gives you more space to work with?
  • Paper quality: Do you prefer a thicker paper that can handle different types of pens and markers, or are you okay with something thinner?
  • Binding: Do you want a journal with a traditional binding, or do you prefer something that lays flat like a spiral-bound notebook?

Ultimately, the choice is up to you. Just make sure that you choose a journal that you feel comfortable using.

Bullet Journal Key

Once you have your journal, the next step is to create your bullet journal key. This is a system of symbols that you will use to organize your tasks and notes. Here are a few common symbols that you might want to include:

  • Task: Use a dot (•) to indicate a task that needs to be completed.
  • Event: Use a circle (O) to indicate an event that you need to attend.
  • Note: Use a dash (-) to indicate a note that you want to remember.

You can also create your own symbols if you prefer. Just make sure that you create a key that works for you and that you use it consistently.


Finally, it’s important to create an index for your bullet journal. This will help you keep track of everything that you’ve written down. Here’s how to create an index:

  1. Reserve a few pages at the beginning of your journal for your index.
  2. As you add new entries to your journal, add them to your index as well.
  3. Make sure to include the page number for each entry in your index.

By creating an index, you’ll be able to find anything you need in your bullet journal quickly and easily.

And that’s it! With these three steps, you’ll be well on your way to setting up your bullet journal.

Creating Spreads

When it comes to bullet journaling, creating spreads is one of the most essential parts. Spreads are essentially the pages where you organize your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and goals. In this section, we’ll cover the different types of spreads you can create in your bullet journal.

Monthly Spread

The monthly spread is the first spread you’ll create at the beginning of each month. It’s where you’ll write down all of your appointments, events, and tasks for the month. You can create a simple monthly spread by drawing a calendar and writing down the events and tasks for each day. You can also add a section for goals and habits you want to work on throughout the month.

Weekly Spread

The weekly spread is where you’ll break down your monthly tasks and goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. You can create a weekly spread by drawing a table with seven columns (one for each day of the week) and several rows for tasks, events, and notes. You can also add a section for meal planning, habit tracking, or anything else you want to focus on that week.

Daily Spread

The daily spread is where you’ll plan out your day and keep track of your tasks and events. You can create a daily spread by drawing a table with several rows for tasks, events, notes, and anything else you want to include. You can also add a section for gratitude, reflection, or anything else you want to focus on that day.

When creating spreads, it’s important to keep them simple and easy to use. Don’t try to cram too much information onto one page, and don’t worry about making them look perfect. The most important thing is that they work for you and help you stay organized and focused.

Custom Pages

When it comes to bullet journaling, one of the most significant advantages is the ability to customize pages to fit your specific needs. Here are some of the most popular custom pages that you might want to consider incorporating into your bullet journal.

Habit Tracker

A habit tracker is a page that allows you to track your progress in building or breaking a habit. It can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be, with columns for each day of the month and rows for each habit you want to track. By using a habit tracker, you can stay motivated and accountable as you work toward your goals.

Mood Tracker

A mood tracker is a page that allows you to track your emotions over time. It can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be, with columns for each day of the month and rows for different emotions or moods. By using a mood tracker, you can gain insight into your emotional patterns and identify triggers that affect your mood.

Goal Tracker

A goal tracker is a page that allows you to track your progress toward specific goals. It can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be, with columns for each day of the month and rows for different goals. By using a goal tracker, you can stay motivated and focused as you work toward achieving your objectives.

In addition to these custom pages, you can create pages for anything that you want to track, plan, or organize. Some other popular custom pages include:

  • Budget tracker
  • Meal planner
  • Reading list
  • Gratitude log

The possibilities are endless, and the beauty of bullet journaling is that you can make it as simple or as complex as you want. By customizing your pages to fit your specific needs, you can create a bullet journal that is both functional and enjoyable to use.

Bullet Journaling Tips

Bullet journaling is a flexible system that can be tailored to fit anyone’s needs. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your bullet journal.

Keeping It Simple

One of the benefits of bullet journaling is its simplicity. When starting out, it’s important to keep things simple. Stick to the basics and don’t worry about adding too many bells and whistles. As you become more comfortable with the system, you can add more complexity.

To keep things simple, try using a limited color palette and only include the information that is essential. Use bullet points to keep your tasks and notes organized and easy to read.

Staying Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to bullet journaling. Make a habit of setting aside time each day or week to update your journal. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you don’t forget anything important.

To stay consistent, try setting reminders or alarms on your phone to remind you to update your journal. You can also create a habit tracker in your journal to help you track your progress.

Reviewing and Reflecting

One of the most important aspects of bullet journaling is reviewing and reflecting on your progress. Take time to review your journal regularly and reflect on what’s working and what’s not.

To review your progress, create a monthly or weekly log where you can track your tasks and goals. Use symbols or color coding to help you quickly identify completed tasks and areas where you need to improve.

Reflecting on your progress can help you identify patterns and make adjustments to your system. Ask yourself questions like “What worked well this week?” and “What could I do differently next time?”

By keeping it simple, staying consistent, and reviewing and reflecting on your progress, you can get the most out of your bullet journaling experience.

Challenges and Solutions

Bullet journaling can be a great way to stay organized and productive, but it’s not without its challenges. Here are some common issues people face when trying to maintain a bullet journal, along with some solutions to help overcome them.

Time Constraints

One of the biggest challenges of bullet journaling is finding the time to do it. Creating layouts, filling in tasks, and decorating pages can be time-consuming, especially if you’re new to the practice. However, there are several ways to make bullet journaling more efficient:

  • Use pre-made templates: Many bullet journalers create and share templates online that you can print out and use in your own journal. This can save time and ensure that your layouts look neat and organized.
  • Keep it simple: You don’t have to create elaborate layouts or spend hours decorating your pages. Stick to the basics and focus on functionality over aesthetics.
  • Use shortcuts: If you find yourself repeating the same tasks or layouts every week, consider creating a shortcut. For example, you could create a “weekly spread” template that you can quickly fill in each week.


Another challenge of bullet journaling is the pressure to make everything look perfect. Many people feel like they need to have beautiful, Instagram-worthy layouts in order to be successful at bullet journaling. However, this mindset can be counterproductive and lead to burnout. Here are some solutions:

  • Embrace imperfection: Remember that your bullet journal is for you, not for anyone else. It doesn’t have to be perfect or pretty, as long as it serves its purpose.
  • Use pencil: If you’re hesitant to commit to a layout or design, use pencil first. This will allow you to make changes and adjustments before committing to ink.
  • Keep it simple: Again, simplicity is key. Don’t feel like you have to create elaborate spreads or use fancy pens and markers. Stick to the basics and focus on functionality.


In conclusion, bullet journaling is a flexible and effective way to organize your life, track your progress, and achieve your goals. By using a bullet journal, we can keep track of everything we need in one place, from to-do lists and appointments to gratitude logs and habit trackers.

Bullet journaling also provides a creative outlet for self-expression. By incorporating advanced layouts and designs, we can customize our bullet journal to our intentions and artistic preferences. This allows us to express our emotions privately, organize our thoughts and to-dos, and reflect on our experiences.

Overall, bullet journaling is a powerful tool that can help us achieve our goals and live a more organized and fulfilling life. By using a bullet journal, we can track our progress, stay motivated, and stay on top of our daily tasks and responsibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular bullet journaling ideas for beginners?

If you’re new to bullet journaling, some popular ideas to get started include creating a future log, monthly, weekly, and daily logs, and customizable collections. Collections can be anything you currently need to track in your journal, such as goal setting, gratitude logs, and brain dumps.

What are the benefits of using a premade bullet journal?

Using a premade bullet journal can save time and effort in creating your own journal from scratch. It also provides a structured layout that can help keep you organized and on track with your goals.

What are the advantages of using a digital bullet journal?

A digital bullet journal allows for easy editing and updating, as well as the ability to access your journal from multiple devices. It also eliminates the need for physical supplies and can be more environmentally friendly.

What are some recommended bullet journal kits?

Some popular bullet journal kits include the Leuchtturm1917 journal, the Archer & Olive journal, and the Scribbles That Matter journal. These journals are known for their high-quality paper and durable bindings.

How does bullet journaling improve productivity?

Bullet journaling can improve productivity by providing a structured system for organizing tasks and goals. It can also help prioritize tasks and track progress, leading to a more efficient use of time. Additionally, the act of journaling can help reduce stress and increase mindfulness, further contributing to productivity.

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